First off I wanted to announce the winner of the Avocado Gift Pack:Â Linda O.
Did you know that today marks the 20th annual World Water Day?
This day started to help raise awareness that over 4,000 children in developing countries die every day from illness and disease related to unsafe drinking water.
I have teamed up with PUR Water Filtration Systems to help spread awareness and to offer one of my readers a chance to win a PUR Advanced Faucet Water Filter.
Here are just a few facts:
**783 million people in the world do not have access to clean, safe water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. 1.4 million children die every year as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation. This amounts to around 4,000 deaths a day or one every 20 seconds.
Did you catch that? ONE person dies EVERY 20 seconds from unclean water. The extent I have ever worried about water was when the power would go out as a kid. We had a well that ran on electricity and when the power was out so was the water. Although it was an inconvenience, we had a store we could run to and pick up a few gallons if we needed it. I personally, have been blessed that I’ve never thought much about water…But it’s a reality for so many people.
**In the U.S., tap and bottled water may look clean, but water takes a journey before reaching your home. According to research supported by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there may be as many as 16 million waterborne illnesses a year associated with drinking water.
Yikes, didn’t know that either!
 How WE can help:
PUR products offer a simple way to help provide funding for clean drinking water to those who need it the most. Through an ongoing partnership with Procter & Gamble’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) program, PUR provides funding and resources to donate clean drinking water to children in the developing world.
·        Each purchase of PUR products supports this partnership with the CSDW program, by donating annual funding and resources to provide clean drinking water to these families abroad. You can also visit the PUR Facebook page and donate 10 liters of clean water to those in need with just one click through the Daily Drop program every day!
·        For additional program details, visit or
To enter to win a PUR Advanced Faucet Water Filter and help people all over the world get the clean water they need, please just leave me a comment saying you stopped by today.
For an additional entry, share on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ about World Water Day. Make sure you come back and leave another comment letting me know you shared!
The giveaway will close on Sunday, March 24th at Midnight EST.
Have a blessed day and weekend!
“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'” Matthew 25:40
Good for you for bringing attention to this!
I also shared this on my FB status!
Thank you for sharing all of that information. Much needed reality check!
So sad. Clean water is definitely something we take for granted!
Hopefully awareness will bring help!