Does it seem as though you spend so much time getting ready for Christmas that when it gets here it’s gone in a flash? We seem to focus more on making everything perfect and less time on actually enjoying Christmas. Whether you scale back or learn to say no, there are ways to slow down this Christmas season.
Scale Back
We add more and more to our plates each year. “This year will be the best Christmas yet” is the motto of many. However, many of the things we spend so much time on can go unnoticed or not bring as much joy as expected. Think back to Christmases past and only do what makes your family and friends REALLY happy. You’ll have a lot more time to actually enjoy the season with your loved ones.
Shop Online
Does it seem like you spend most of December in checkout lines? Skip the mall and shop online. Not only can you save a large amount of money, but there’s a much bigger selection. Even if you’re a last minute shopper, places like Amazon offer one-day shipping. Best of all, you won’t have to fight the crowds.
Make Time for Yourself
When you fly, they always say “in the event of cabin air changing, put on your oxygen mask FIRST, before helping others”…that’s because if you don’t take care of yourself, you are not going to be able to help anyone. Something that is so, so important is to make time for yourself. It can be easy to get caught up in doing everything for everyone else. However, you need to make time to do something for you each and every day. Even if it’s just a cup of coffee flavored with peppermint mocha creamer while watching the sunrise each morning or taking a bubble bath, the time you spend on yourself will make everything more joyful.
Watch Movies with the Kids
Sit down with the family to watch a Christmas TV special or movie. Even if it’s just a 30 minute TV special, the time together can mean so much. You’ll build lasting memories and create traditions that your children will carry on.
Learn to Say No
Last, but not least, learn to say no. It can be hard to say no, especially when it comes to volunteering and doing things for your family, but you need to learn that you can only do so much. If you take on too many tasks, your Christmas season will be filled with things that you don’t even want to do. If it’s not something you want to do, just say no.
The holiday season doesn’t have to fly by. If you just take a minute to slow down and enjoy it, you’ll get so much more out it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Christmas is always magic time! I totally agree that it can feel a bit different this year. It’s a great time to slow down and enjoy the little moments. Speaking of capturing moments, last winter I had an amazing christmas photoshoot in Barcelona? It’s a beautiful city, and a family photoshoot there would make for some unforgettable memories!