These next few weeks, I am doing a series of tutorials and ideas for handmade gifts. Most of these are are super simple and affordable.
Today, I am showing you how to make a “no-knit” mug warmer.
What you will need is an old adult sweater, scrap of fabric, button, needle, twine, and a mug.
I found the sweater and mug at Goodwill on their half-off rack and I had the rest of the supplies. This project cost me less than $3, but will depend on what you have on hand. Also, one sweater will make two warmers.
Cut one of the cuffs off the sleeve. It should look like this.
Then carefully cut the seam that is holding the cuff together. At this stage nothing should be unraveling and the edges should look “finished.”
 On a scrap of fabric use a pencil or pen to write a short phrase you want on warmer.
Then using the twine and needle trace the words. The back of the fabric will not show, so it doesn’t need to look pretty! When you are finished with the words, cut it out in a rectangle shape smaller than the cuff. {I laid the cuff out on top of the fabric and drew guidelines, then cut inside the lines.}
Stitch the patch onto the cuff, then add a button on one side. On the opposite side, tie a knot in the twine and loop it through a few times then tie another knot to secure it. This will leave a long “string” on the end. To ensure that the twine doesn’t fray, made a knot on the end.
 To attach the warmer to the mug, you will wrap the twine around the button.
This gift would be perfect for someone who loves coffee or tea. If you wanted to dress it up, you could add their favorite brand or gift card to their favorite shop inside.
Happy crafting!
To find more handmade gift tutorials, check out the links below:
camera strap, bookmark, engraved ornament, silverware necklace charm
Love this personalized mug warmer, this mug warmer makes the perfect holiday gift for anyone who drinks a lot of coffee or tea.