Let me start this post by apologizing. I’m so sorry for the delayed updated on my guest bedroom makeover…but I’m sure most of you can sympathize with me when I say, “Life happens!”
Last week did NOT go as planned and I was having some severe pain in my abdomen. It happened to be on the right side and after 24 hours I was worried it might be appendicitis. Thankfully it was “just” a few cysts and nothing major, but it had me out of it for a couple of days.
All that to say, I’m BEHIND. However, if I’ve learned anything this past year, it’s to roll with the punches.
So I’m back at now and hoping to modify the design slightly to get it done by the end of the challenge!

So here’s the progress as of today:
- The faux brick is down! 🙌🏻
- Wall is painted.
- Headboard is assembled.
- Side tables are modified and painted.
- Closet is cleaned out.

I also made a decision on what I’m using to organize the closet. Ultimately I kept going back and forth between the PAX and ALGOT systems from Ikea.
I decided on ALGOT because it was cheaper and a little easier to make changes to. This closet is mostly used for storage, so I liked the idea that I could easily adjust the shelves.

I originally thought I would put up wallpaper just in the closet, but the practical side of me won over. The majority of the closet will be covered with storage bins, so I don’t want to spend all the money on something that won’t be seen much. Instead, I’m going to use paint to create a “wallpaper-like” design.
Here are the two options I’m considering…
The first one is a stencil:

I purchased this stencil for my kitchen ORC and didn’t use it, so I already have it. Cost=$0
OR this handpainted option:

I love this handpainted design by Erin’s daughter. She did it for the last challenge and I fell in love with it. I’m not 100% sure I could pull it off but I think its simplicity is beautiful!
Which one should I do? Leave me a comment below, I’d love to know your thoughts!
Here’s what I have left:
- Build bed frame and stain
- Paint design in closet
- Install closet organization
- Choose a rug
- Figure out window treatment
- Possibly add moulding (if time permits)
I’m hoping to get everything that I need to purchase figured out by the beginning of next week and knock some of this to-do list! I hope you all have a great weekend and be sure to check out some of the other One Room Challenge Rooms, HERE.

I LOVE the hand painted design for the closet! Bet you can do that with your own take on it. Way better than having to fool with a stencil, and no one would have anything like what your “original” design would be like.
I love the stencil! I think I need to find a wall for that. Do you remember where you purchased it? Can’t wait to see how you build the bed frame. I want to make my daughter a new bed soon.
I like the freedom of the hand painted option. Should go faster than the stencil.