With all the technology that we live with, it seems that a lot of the personal touches have disappeared. I know for me, I seldom send handwritten cards anymore. It’s so much easier to just shoot someone a text or write a quick “Happy Birthday” on their Facebook wall. My goal for this new year is to get back to the simpler old fashioned way of sending correspondence. How weird does that sound!? It will definitely take more effort on my part, but I know how much I love going to the mailbox and having something in my hand that someone took the time to send me.
This method isn’t always the cheapest but I wanted to let you in on a little secret! Did you know that Walmart has a whole section of Hallmark cards for $.47 and $.97!?
I was there the other day and stocked up for the next few months. It takes a little bit of planning ahead, but it’s SO worth the extra time!
I just added the people and events that I wanted to send cards to on my calendar. {If you want it there by a certain date, make sure you give yourself enough time. }
My Memaw still sends me regular mail and my girls and I love getting it. It’s so special!! How about you!? Is there some you know that has a special event coming up or just send a quick note to someone you love letting them know you are thinking about them. Either way, it will brighten their day and yours!
Did you know that you can earn rewards for the Hallmark cards you buy at Walmart? For every 5 cards you buy, you’ll earn a reward. Check out the link to sign up for the FREE program–>>HERE.
Make sure you also check out connectionsfromhallmark.com to see great content from other bloggers. Join in the #valuecards conversation on Twitter!
I was so please to read your article. As an avid paper connoisseur, nothing makes me happier than when someone goes the extra effort to send a note, card or letter with a pretty stamp through traditional post. It demonstrates that the recipient is special and worth the extra effort.
I own an online stationery boutique, Playa Paper, and our mission is to connect people with strong visual memories one custom handcrafted greeting card, note card and invitation at a time. Whether you use my products or Hallmark, we all win!
That’s great! I’ll have to check out your site!
Thanks Angela. We are updating it right now. In the mean time, you can follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/playapaper
I love both sending and receiving mail! It sounds like you have a great goal for 2014. Thanks so much for sharing. #client
I love to receive “snail mail” too. I’ve started sending handwritten thank-you notes again. Manners and the extra effort really do matter. I recently inherited a gift card holder from my Grandma. Each month she had listed family members birthdays. I am going to send the rest of the cards out just as she had planned to do before she passed away a few years ago. I hope my family enjoys this act of love as much I will
Be a Blessing,
Nancy ~ Bead Charmer Girl
Nancy, that is awesome!! I’m sure they love getting them.
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