It’s week 5 of the One Room Challenge!! The highlight of my space (at the moment), is the light fixture. Not only is it gorgeous but it’s LIGHT!!! This space was so dark before and now it’s bright.
The ceiling turned out great. It still needs some touchups, but it’s almost done. I’ll also be adding some crown moulding this weekend…fingers crossed.
The project that I’m working on currently is the desk area. I decided to use two stock cabinets. I have been playing around with them but I think I’ve come up with a plan for finishing the “build” portion. My dilemma now is what color they should be…I’m not sure if I want to paint them white (so they fade into the wall) or use a stain (so they stand out)? I’m headed to the hardware store in a little while to pick some test stains. I figure I can always paint over the stain!
I’m going to use the two chairs from Home Show space on the opposite wall.
I’m also moving the rugs around. I’m going to take the rug from the dining room and use it in the office…at least that’s the plan at the moment. 🙂
I might also add a cabinet behind the chairs. I’m going to wait until I have everything back in the room before I make that decision…I’m hoping I will have enough storage with the desk and shelves.
So that’s the update. I’ve got a lot to do before next week, but I am getting excited to have this room finished and start using it for my office.
cute light fixture! xo jillian
Thank you, Jillian!!!
NEEEED to know where that light fixture is from!!!!!
Becca, I got it from Wayfair. Here an affiliate link for it: . It looks like the gold is out of stock at the moment, but they had some similar ones. 🙂