Do you have those times when you know how you want something to look and once you get started on the project the outcome is nothing like the initial plan? This happens more often than not, to me! Sometimes it’s disastrous and other times it’s better than what I expected…
My parents have been in town for the past few days and I FINALLY feel like I’m starting to catch up on some things. It’s mostly been unexciting things, but yesterday I “finished” a dresser I had bought for the upstairs landing.
I forgot to take a complete “before” picture, but this will give you an idea of how it looked. The dresser was a red color, but the red was chipping everywhere.
My plan was to strip most of the paint off, then paint it another color (I hadn’t decided on the color!). When I stripped the first coat of red off, I was pleasantly surprised at the green below. I decided to go with it and just sanded the piece down a little more to get rid of the remaining red.
I went with two different types of hardware, that I got at Hobby Lobby. I like the top knobs, because they give it a more funky/eclectic feel.
This area is right at the top of the stairs. The door to the left of the dresser is my office, the room directly in front is the master bedroom and to the right and behind is the loft.
I know that all of you probably don’t feel the same about how I left finish, but for now I love the way it looks! If I get tired of it, I can always go back to plan “A.”
I love how that turned out! And you are right – if you get tired of it you can always paint it. but I think you are going to enjoy looking at it like that for quite awhile cause it’s so cute!
Yes, for a long while!!
I just adore what you did with this piece! Fantastic.
Thank you, Cythinia!!
How beautiful! It really turned out great. Plus it’s a great piece! I enjoy reading your projects.
Very, very nice. It’s a great piece and turned out perfectly! Great job.
I’d never tire of that gorgeous piece for sure, unless I wanted to dabble with another fabulous hue!
Ella, thanks! I definitely can’t seeing it change any time soon!
I think it looks awesome! I’m looking for something very similar to put at the top of my stairs too! Great inspiration
Thanks, Sarah!
Es un trabajo precioso, me encanta el verde y el desgastado tan fuerte que has hecho. El rincón ha quedado precioso.
Gemma, thank you!!!:)
I love it just as it is, Angela! I think it was great luck to find such a pretty color underneath the red.
Thanks, Kathy! I know, I’m glad I decided to strip it!
Followed your link from 7 Ways to Distress.
I really like how this piece turned out.
I had to laugh, though. If you’re using flesh-eating chemical stripper, you can get this look. If you use Citristrip or Soygel, your paint would have come off in sheets and you’d have bypassed this look completely! Happy accident, right?
Yes, Christine is just regular stripper.
It took off one coat at a time, so I was able to get that finish! Thanks for stopping by!
I am wondering if you can tell me what the color and brand of the paint you used. I love this color green and would be interested in knowing. Your work is beautiful. Thank you!