Today I am finishing up the last of my gifts. We are leaving to visit family in Texas in a few days and everything needs to be ready by tomorrow.  We are driving, which means I can bring some extra things, but also means a LONG trip with the girls!
Anyway, back to my gifts.  I like to decorate my gifts with ornaments, it makes two gifts out of one! So today I picked up some metal ornaments and personalized them.
I used an engraver to add our family name and year.  I got my engraver from Harbor Freight a few years ago for less than $10.  At the time I didn’t think I would use it much, but it has really come in handy!
It is very easy to use, but I would suggest to practice a little on a scrap of metal first. I found it best if you use very LITTLE pressure initially, then go back over the lettering.
I am bringing some of my homemade preserves to give to people I don’t see often, and I thought I would dress up a plain brown paper bag to hold them.
I started by using a punch on the opening edge.
Then folded the bag and cut slits through the front and back, added a ribbon and my new ornament/tag.
I got all my ornaments at Joann and you don’t have to wait until after Christmas…they are 70% off NOW!
What a great idea. The personalized ornaments are really special. I also like the detail of the punch on the edge. Where did you buy that? I’m drooling over a Cricut. I saw one at Wal-Mart the other day and Mark just told me to keeping walking and not look back. I’m thinking I’ll eventually get one, but I just don’t know when. I’ll add that to the list–new camera lens, sewing machine and Cricut! I’m going to have to save some serious money!
I got the punch at Micheal’s. They are Martha Stewart Christmas and 50% off right now. You can also use a 20% coupon. I will send it to you!
This is such a cute idea! Don’t you love that Joann’s marks their stuff way down before the holiday! I just love it.