One of the many reasons I love blogging, is the fact that I’m held accountable. It’s really hard to specify “WHO” is holding this accountability over my head, but I guess it would be all of you reading this right now.
There are things that I purposefully put on my blog and state that it “WILL” get done. Then the higher powers, my readers, must see me follow-through with those actions. I know that’s not always true, but it gets my butt moving to complete things. Point being…my French doors.
Don’t they look nice!?! Well, I actually think they are perfect. (If you don’t agree, and I know some of you will not…please just tell me how fabulous they look.) I spent countless hours, worked until my hands were sore and took them off their hinges 4 times. They are “PERFECT,” I tell you.
Installing them was fairy easy. I waited until Scott was out of town on a long weekend. (I wait until he’s gone to make the really big messes. Plus I wasn’t quite sure how easily I could make this happen.) Within and hour and a half I had them up. And then down.
So by the end of the weekend they were both up and mostly stripped. Enough to live with but not enough that I was completely happy with them.
So down they came one last time for a final coat of the stripping solution.
I still need to find some new door knobs, the one’s that came with the doors were two different colors, but other than that they are finished.
There is one other little problem, the glass is being pretty impossible. I’ve cleaned each and every (16 to be exact) little pain of glass. (Pun is totally intended!) Yet, they still don’t look very clean. Part of the problem is that I scratched some of them with the sander. OH WELL…they are still perfectly imperfect!
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
(No projects scheduled here this weekend.)
Angela these look amazing all your hard work payed off. Love them.
Thanks, Pattie!
Wow! Angela they look awesome! You did such an incredible job and I love that they are the perfect blend of rustic yet elegant. Way to go!
Thanks, Vanessa!! Crossing my fingers I will see you the end of summer!
Let me know when you decided!
I like the French doors very much. I like the way you finished them as opposed to the “traditional” type of look, being stained. I live in a condo and don’t nearly as many options to do things or “change up” the look like I did when I was in my house.
I have a question…. would you be willing to toss out any ideas on a home dilema if I directed the specifics your way?
Love the look of your home!
Linda, I would love to help if I can! Send me your question with any pictures you have to my e-mail.
OOOOOHHHH I LOVE them! You did an awesome job! And I would never have been able to hang them myself – you are amazing!
Thanks, Jill! The work was definitely worth it!