I thought we could do something a little different today! A majority of the time I show you a project and then never give an update on how the project has held up over time…so I thought I should start! 😉 Do you remember my dutch door that I made from our cheap hollow core door? Well, here’s how it’s holding up…
(Sorry, this area has no windows so the lighting is VERY bad for pictures.)
I had originally made this door for our dog. Her bed was in the laundry room and it was so dark and dreary. If we needed her to stay in the room, the dutch door was perfect to keep her in, without making the space too cramped.
Unfortunately, we no longer have a dog but this door still gets used A LOT!
I was originally a little worried about how well it would hold up over time. I’m happy to say she’s still as good as the day I cut her in half. Because I used a piece of wood to fill in the hollow part and for the ledge, I think it’s added to the stability.
I will say that I’m so happy I jumped off the cliff with this project. 😉 (My husband thought I was completely out of my mind.) If you need to separate areas of you house for a dog or even a toddler, this is a great solution.
For the full tutorial, be sure to check out the original post: Dutch Door Using A Hollow Core Door.
What crazy ideas have you tried and were glad you did??
This is so amazing! I ADORE Dutch doors. I can’t wait to try this one day!
Thanks, Carile!! 🙂
This is genius! Not just the door, but updating how it’s going for you! I’d be so afraid to cut my door in half, lol.
I purchased my “small home” last year. I’ve been trying to get my brother-in-law & nephew cut a hollow door (after I measure it of course) in half. They told me “you can’t do that with a hollow door” I’m like “why not?” Thank you for your help. My orginal idea was to keep my 14 year old Lab (passed away 6/6/16) from eating the toilet paper & taking my clothes out of the bathroom while taking a shower lol (I do miss him). Could I give me more detailed info in this project b/c the doors in my garage just a waiting to be recycled ?
I’m so sorry I missed your comment! Here is the original post with the directions: https://www.unexpectedelegance.com/half-door-tutorial/
Hope it turns out great!!
See separate full comment at the first appearing article, regarding the design issue raised in bisecting a door not designed to be a Dutch door (resulting in an asymmetrically bisected center rail). As stated there, this kind of modification is disruptive to the original features of the door design, and to door design in general (disrupting uniformity/symmetry of measurement typically designed into interior panel doors).
That said, this project’s approach may be the best possible, if this kind of conversion is decided upon (over purchase of a manufactured Dutch door). In arranging to leave the panels uncut, and in finishing the ledge to match the door, this effort at least does not accentuate the impact of the modification on the appearance of the original door design (as viewed from afar, with the door closed).