This post brought to you by Brita . The content and opinions expressed below are that of Unexpected Elegance.
Sometimes it’s nice to get together with a small group of friends for a quiet and relaxing gathering. Most of my friends are moms, so we are constantly being pulled in every direction…and we need down time! So, I thought it would be fun to host a little canvas art party, and I invited a few friends over one afternoon. It was super casual and most importantly, RELAXING. (This might actually become a regular thing!)
I kept the food and drinks very simple. The food was just a meat, cheese and cracker try. I also set up an easy flavored water bar. I think it’s more about hospitality and opening up your home to friends and family, than stressing out over small details! Remember to keep things simple, that way you won’t be stressed out when your guests arrive and you can enjoy yourself.
Here’s what you will need for a flavored water bar:
- fresh fruits: like berries, apples, peaches, cherries and citrus fruits
- sprigs of fresh herbs: like mint, rosemary, or basil
- ice
- Brita pitcher with freshly filtered water
Did you noticed the Brita pitcher I was using? It’s pretty awesome! The design is sleek and there’s a indicator that lets you know when to replace the filter.
Thankfully my daughter is a little artist, because I was able to borrow a few supplies from her, but the rest I got at my local craft store.
Supplies you will need:
- One canvas for each person
- Different types of paint brushes
- Variety of paint colors
- Paint palettes or styrofoam plates
- Optional: Glad trash bags to cover the table
- Optional: Canvas stands (I used plate stands from the picture area of the craft store.)
I also used a few trash bags from The Glad Products Company to cover the table…for three reasons. One. They are a lot more sturdy than a cheap plastic table cloth. Two. They make clean up super easy. AND Three. They literally cling to the table and don’t move. (To make the bags lay flat, I just cut them down the side and bottom.)
There wasn’t a specific painting we were trying to recreate (like a traditional painting class), so we went with an abstract theme. Everyone could pick their color scheme and decide how they wanted their canvas to look. I pulled up a few examples on my phone…because not everyone wanted to free-style! 😉
Honestly, I had never sat down and just painted before. I’ve taken a class once but a small intimate gathering is so much better. It’s also very cathartic. None of us were budding Picassos but it was still a lot of fun.
I don’t ever need an excuse to get together…it’s always great to have friends over, relax, laugh and just hangout.
Spend time with those you like the most, and host your own Gather Now event. Then be sure to post your pictures on social media with #GatherNow!
What a delightful way to spend time with friends! Your canvas art party idea is both creative and relaxing. I appreciate the simplicity in food and drinks and the flavored water bar is a fantastic touch.
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