Is it just me or does everyone say "Once I get through (this week, month, etc.) I'll have more time to..."? Yet, lately it seems once I finish one thing there are a million others waiting to take their place! I mean I can't complain about what's been going on lately. It's been FUN stuff, it's just kept me extremely busy and then before I know it the whole day/week is gone. All of that to say I've been neglecting my blog. I have a few completed projects to share with you but that ... Read More about time flies when your having fun
The Shabby Chick Blog
Tomorrow I am leaving for a seven day cruise with my husband. I am very excited! It's a much needed vaca for just the two of us. So, I will be away for my responsibilities laptop for over a week. February is going to be CR-AZY!! I thought I would leave you with this wonderful blog. ************************************** Last Fall I had the pleasure of meeting Pattie, at Horton's. She is a very sweet and very talented blogger who happens to live right around the corner from ... Read More about The Shabby Chick Blog
Blissdom '12
The countdown begins!! There are only 27 days , well more like 26 days now, left until Blissdom 2012. Any of you going?? This will be my first year and I'm very excited and a little anxious. I'm most excited about meeting other bloggers who I have read their blogs for years, but I'm also super stoked about the sessions. There are so many great topics. I am hoping to learn a lot and come back home refreshed,with a renewed passion. Now, the anxiety...I will actually get to meet the ... Read More about Blissdom '12
Blissdom ’12
The countdown begins!! There are only 27 days , well more like 26 days now, left until Blissdom 2012. Any of you going?? This will be my first year and I'm very excited and a little anxious. I'm most excited about meeting other bloggers who I have read their blogs for years, but I'm also super stoked about the sessions. There are so many great topics. I am hoping to learn a lot and come back home refreshed,with a renewed passion. Now, the anxiety...I will actually get to meet the ... Read More about Blissdom ’12
Easy Photography and Editing Tips
So, I got a lot of comments and e-mails asking to give some tips about taking pictures and editing. I'm definitely not an expert and just learning, but I have a few tips to share. Taking the Picture First off, lets talk about taking your camera off of AUTO...I have a Nikkon SLR, so that's what I'll be referring to. This is the approach that works best for me and can just be a jumping off point for you to venture off of the "safe" setting! ;) Alright, turn the dial off "AUTO" to the "A". ... Read More about Easy Photography and Editing Tips