Yesterday I recorded my first video tutorial. I've been working on a bench for client and I thought I would show you how to add the legs with a Kreg tool. Please ignore the messy garage! I thought about cleaning it for the video, but decided to keep it real! Here's the final product. The family that will be using this bench has two small kids, so I decided to add a support to make it a little bit sturdier. We re-used her old table top and bought the pre-made legs from the hardware ... Read More about Bench Leg Tutorial
I am not a huge worrier. At least not about big stuff!! I tend to worry about "what ifs." I have learned to let go of a lot the older I get but there was a time when I held on to EVERYTHING. Does anyone else hold their breath when they are worried about something? I usually don't realize it until I am catching my breath, trying to make up all the oxygen that I am missing. (Just a weird fact about me.) These days, this is what I worry about most. Am I raising them in the right ... Read More about worry
Lord's Prayer
About five years ago, I received a cross stitch sampler of the Lord's Prayer that my mother-in-law made. She had made it for my husband's great-grandmother many years ago (1978, to be exact), and when his grandmother passed away we inherited it. It is simple and beautiful. It came in a small frame and for a few years now I have wanted to find a bigger, heavy frame. (I forgot before pictures, again! One of these days I'll the hang of this.) I have a little obsession with frames. I ... Read More about Lord's Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
About five years ago, I received a cross stitch sampler of the Lord's Prayer that my mother-in-law made. She had made it for my husband's great-grandmother many years ago (1978, to be exact), and when his grandmother passed away we inherited it. It is simple and beautiful. It came in a small frame and for a few years now I have wanted to find a bigger, heavy frame. (I forgot before pictures, again! One of these days I'll the hang of this.) I have a little obsession with frames. I ... Read More about Lord’s Prayer
what IS it about?
As most of you know, this last weekend I attended my first ever blogging conference. It was truly a wonderful experience, but a mix of emotions for me. I don't consider myself a true blogger in the sense that I am a "successful" blogger (according to my own standards). Upon the conclusion of the weekend, I came home with a new found passion for my blog and my life. Let me explain... I originally started my blog as a push from some friends. I've always had a passion for home design and ... Read More about what IS it about?