I have been wanting to add some type of “fence” to the side of my shed for a while now. There is just enough room between it and our privacy fence to store things that can stay outside, but you can see it from the deck.
A few weeks ago I was at Menard’s and I found an expandable trellis, it works kind of like an accordion door. I bought it and decided it would make a cute little fence. The side of the shed needed to be cleaned out, so this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of some junk and finish a project on my list!
I used two larger eye hooks to attach one side:
A little trick to install eye hooks is to pre-drill a hole, hand tighten it a few turns and then use a screwdriver to finish turning it.
A latch on the other end…and I have a gate/fence.
You could use this concept with so many different things. There just needs to some type of “pole” on one of the ends.
This project took me about 15 minutes! Quick and practical!
Great idea for a fence and got side of shed cleaned up. Kinda like when you paint one room everything around it looks bad then. Good for you getting that done and thinking of using something not fence as a fence, it looks really nice.
Happy days