I woke up this morning to a two hour delay and this…
Pretty, right!? If you live in a colder climate this is a normal occurrence in March.
As pretty as it is, I was REALLY bummed to see that the “weather people” had accurately predicted it.
Until I look out the back door…
And saw the bunny tracks. Just a little reminder that Spring is just a little closer.
(AND maybe, just maybe, this is the last snow of the season! A girl can dream!)
We’re getting snow tonight – 5 to 7″ or more! What does “more” mean! Those non committal weather people! I’ll be looking for bunny tracks!
Hopefully it’s warming up by now! 50’s here today and not much of it left on the ground. YAY!
I hope too it’s the last snow of the season. And the forcast for 48 degrees this weekend will have this stuff melting rapidly! Bring on the sun and warmth!
Yep, it’s in the 50’s today…I LOVE it!
Such a sweet post! To me, your snow looks heavenly as I’m in south Texas and we don’t get it! But I must admit, this is my favorite time of year as birds are nesting and chirping and our afternoons are beautiful! Enjoy your “fluff”! Wish you could mail me a snowball!! LOL!!
Angela, I would gladly send it ALL your way! 😉