Well, I have talked to lots of moms and found out that one of the stresses (and there are lots) is deciding what to have for dinner each night. I will say that only recently has this issue become less of a problem for me. To be honest, I was like most of you and did not decided what we were having for dinner until right before we were going to eat…yikes, no wonder it was stressful!
So to make my life a LOT easier I started meal planning. Now this does take some time and preparation on your part at the beginning of the week, but the benefits are worth it! Not only does it take a HUGE stress off your shoulders on week nights, but it will also save you money. You will know what you are going to eat for the entire week or weeks, if you can be diligent, and shop ahead. Shopping ahead means no “quick” trips to the store, where you will inevitably pick up things YOU DO NOT NEED! Believe me, I know from experience…you can’t lie to yourself any longer! Also, if you are super motivated you can stock up and shop sales.
So here are some guidelines:
1. Keep track of the meals you prepared the previous week OR the meals you are planning for the following.
2. Post to your blog your “menu” for the week. Include any info you have on the meals. This could include: photos you took, recipes, tips, or links to sites you got the recipes from.
3. Link up and share your meals with the rest of us!
4. Link back to Unexpected Elegance.
My hope is to get lots of new ideas and we will all help each other with the weeks ahead. So for the first MENU SWAP SUNDAY, drum roll please….
Lerew Family Menu
Monday: Baked Ziti (LOVE this recipe-I make two from one recipe and freeze one), French bread, salad
Tuesday: Burgers (we add toppings like: bacon, fancy cheese, avocados), chips
Wednesday: Crock pot Pulled Pork, homemade Mac N’ Cheese, steamed brocoli
Friday: Baked Tilapia, rice
Hope you will take some of these recipes and have them at your table soon!
For some more great ideas, check out:

July 25, 2010 Week Menu Swap
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Thanks girls for participating! Tiffany just brought to my attention that great minds think alike…check out both her Michele's pork night! Too funny!
This was an amazing project! I was thrilled to be able to witness your awesome skills at work and look forward to learning many more useful tips as I read your blog! Thanks for inspiring us, Angela!!!!!